Danielle Juneau
Skills Spotlight
In order to lead a group of people, it is crucial to understand their individual needs and goals. Through various leadership roles, I have developed the ability to identify and respond to the emotional needs of a team. By facilitating constructive discussions, I can create a space of trust, which results in team members feeling appreciated and motivated.
Design Thinking
The real world is full of messy and complicated problems. By engaging in a practice that supports early failure, iteration, and input from multiple perspectives, I have learned to develop creative solutions to a variety of complex problems. By taking on an empathetic approach to problem-solving, I can develop a clear understanding of user's individual needs.

True collaboration involves not only the sharing of perspectives, but the integration of multiple viewpoints. By learning to identify and value this diversity, I have been able to effectively collaborate with teams to produce work that crosses disciplinary boundaries. I see each new teamwork experience as an opportunity to expand my perspective and begin to think in new ways.

Effective communication is the glue that holds a team together. When engaging in decision-making, I can clearly and precisely articulate my opinions. By actively listening and responding to the thoughts of my team, I am able to provide common-ground solutions aimed at cooperation. Remaining open and empathetic has allowed me to comprimise more effetively.

Making Connections; Solving Problems
A Human-Centered Design Portfolio
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KI-X: Knowledge Integration Exhibition

KI-X features interdisciplinary object-centric museum exhibits created by third year Knowledge Integration students at the University of Waterloo. My team of six students created "Flooded!", an interactive and immersive exhibit that teaches visitors about floods and the impact that floods can have on our lives. The exhibit was on display to the public for 3 days.
As lead activities designer, I designed and buillt the interactive components of the exhibit. I engaged my teammates in the ideation process to challenge my own ideas and collaborate to discover creative and unique solutions. I facilitated constructive discussions with my team to compromise on various designs since the interactive components would have an impact on the exhibit as a whole. A cohesive final product was developed by finding a common ground and communicating positively throughout the process.
Housing Project
The Working Center

I worked on this project with a design team of twenty other Knowledge Integration students who were passionate about user-centered design and solving real-world problems. Our design challenge was to address the growing issue of homelessness in downtown Kitchener, particularly during the winter months. We developed a temporary housing solution that would meet the needs of our target user.
For part A of the project, I was responsible for conducting user research during which I successfully facilitated a key focus group. By actively supporting the participants, I created an encouraging atmosphere for them to express their honest thoughts and feelings. This research yielded important insights for the design team. For part B, I was a member of the interior design team. I was responsible for designing interior floorplans and finding efficient solutions to save space and cost. I was required to communicate effectively with members of other teams to ensure consistency for the final designs.

Social Media
Marketing Plan
Stratford-Perth Community Foundation

For this project, my team assisted the SPCF in successfully managing and maintaining their digital media assets. We conducted a thorough analysis of the company's current strategy, developed key target audiences, and proposed an implementation strategy to meet their marketing objectives. Additionally, each student created a digital canvas to represent our client.
As the project manager, I was the primary point of communication with the client. I used clear and professional language across all communication channels to ensure that our team was well received by the client. I ensured that the client felt heard by actively listening to their concerns and restating them. In this way, a shared vision for the final deliverable was formed and we were able to meet the client's needs.
Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>